Wal-Mart, is debuting a new free service later this month that lets customers order items online at walmart.com and then pick them up four hours later at the nearest store.
However, online orders that are placed after 6 p.m. will be ready for pick up at 10 a.m. the next day, the company said.
The service, called "Pick Up Today," rolls out this month and will be available in 3,600 Wal-Mart stores nationwide by June.
"Online-only items aren't eligible but can still be shipped for free to a store via our Site to Store program," said Jariwala. The Site to Store service ships products to stores in four to seven days.
I Love Center Point & H&M but hate running across its football-field-sized stores for a unique item so I wish they can offer that here in kuwait especially that must of us like online shopping more than being stuck in a crowded shop.
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